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Photos recently added to NH species galleries, set #192.
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GOYAZITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
3 mm goyazite perched on 7.5 mm doubly terminated quartz crystal
Species:           GOYAZITE
Locality:         Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm goyazite perched on 7.5 mm doubly terminated quartz crystal.
Field Collected: Collected August 1980
Catalog No.: Don Dallaire # 674
Notes: A Don Dallaire photo.
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GOYAZITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
4 mm goyazite crystal on quartz crystal cluster
Species:           GOYAZITE
Locality:         Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 4 mm goyazite crystal on quartz crystal cluster
Field Collected: Collected August 1980
Catalog No.: Don Dallaire # 699
Notes: Overall specimen is 10 mm tall. This crystal appears as a Fred Wilda painting in Bob Whitmore's book The Pegmatite Mines known as Palermo on page 129. The caption in the book had the wrong specimen number. A Don Dallaire photo.
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GOYAZITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
6 cm specimen

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GOYAZITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
A 3 mm goyazite crystal
Species:           GOYAZITE
Locality:         Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 6 cm specimen with 3 mm goyazite crystals
Field Collected: Clayton Ford
Catalog No.: Don Dallaire # 1266
Notes: A Don Dallaire photo.
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GORDONITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
1.2 mm field of view

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GORDONITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
1.2 mm field of view
Species:           GORDONITE
Locality:         Palermo #1 Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 1.2 mm field of view, two photos, second slightly rotated specimen
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen
Notes: [tm] Best NH gordonite specimen that I have seen (2024). Identification by Bob Janules.
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MONTEBRASITE   Chickering Mine, Walpole, NH
4.5 cm specimen

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MONTEBRASITE   Chickering Mine, Walpole, NH
5 mm flake with fused right edge
Species:           MONTEBRASITE
Locality:         Chickering Mine, Walpole, NH
Specimen Size: 4.5 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 2177
Notes: Originally thought these pearly plates were lepidolite, due to easy fusability, second photo. A Raman analyses (scan 314, 315 vs. RUFF reference plot) was a good match for montebrasite. An EDS analyses also supported a montebrasite identification, a simple Al, P mineral, (Li not detectable by EDS). Montebrasite is also easily fusable.
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MICROCLINE   North Conway, NH
3.2 cm Baveno twin crystal
Species:           MICROCLINE
Locality:         North Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3.2 cm Baveno twin crystal
Field Collected: Jim Perella #0248
Catalog No.: 2178
Notes: A gift from Jim Perella. Locality labeled as just "North Conway."
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MAGNETITE   Old Granite Quarry off Limbo Lane, Amherst, NH
Crude 1.8 cm magnetite crystal in white "sugar-quartz" matrix
Species:           MAGNETITE
Locality:         Old Granite Quarry off Limbo Lane, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: Crude 1.8 cm magnetite crystal in white "sugar-quartz" matrix
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: Collected pre 2000. This is from the Phillip Morrill listed Amherst locality. Note the "Ye Old Country Store" referenced in Morrill is long since gone and Rt. 101 has been moved since 1960 Morrill's booklet.
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MAGNETITE   Old Granite Quarry off Limbo Lane, Amherst, NH
Crude 1.2 cm magnetite crystal in white "sugar-quartz" matrix
Species:           MAGNETITE
Locality:         Old Granite Quarry off Limbo Lane, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: Crude 1.2 cm magnetite crystal in white "sugar-quartz" matrix
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: Collected pre 2000. This is from the Phillip Morrill listed Amherst locality.
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PHOSPHOSIDERITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
6 mm field of view

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PHOSPHOSIDERITE   Palermo Mine, Groton, NH
3.3 mm field of view
Species:           PHOSPHOSIDERITE
Locality:         Palermo #1 Mine, Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 6 mm field of view and 3.3 mm cropped view
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen
Notes: [tm] Best Palermo phosphosiderite specimen that I have seen (2024). Identification by Bob Janules.