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Locality: Wheeler Mtn. Winchester, NH Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen. Massive magnetite in granite. Field Collected: Tom Mortimer Catalog No.: Notes: A confirmation-voucher specimen for magnetite in the granite on the west side of the Wheeler Mtn. Ammonoosuc volcanics contact. |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Ham-Weeks Mine, Wakefield, NH Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen of massive magnetite with some orange limonite crust Field Collected: Gene Bearss Catalog No.: 1801 Notes: A voucher specimen for the occurrence of magnetite at the Ham-Weeks Mine. |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Founders Way residential construction site, Amherst, NH Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen view with embedded 3 cm magnetite crystal Field Collected: Tom Mortimer (2012) Catalog No.: 1835 Notes: |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Hidden Pond residential development, Amherst, NH Specimen Size: 5.5 cm specimen with 9 mm magnetite crystals Field Collected: Tom Mortimer (2012) Catalog No.: 1841 Notes: Photo taken in natural sunlight. |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Hidden Pond residential development, Amherst, NH Specimen Size: 9 mm magnetite crystal with stepped triangular faces Field Collected: Tom Mortimer (2012) Catalog No.: 1837 Notes: Photo taken in natural sunlight. |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Jerico Lake Dam, Berlin, NH Specimen Size: 1.1 cm magnetite crystal in 2.8 cm specimen Field Collected: (Unknown) - a gift from Anna Wilken Catalog No.: 1834 Notes: This is a natural sunlight photo. This is a little known locality. |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Soapstone Quarry, Richmond, NH Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen with magnetite zones to 1.2 cm in quartz-feldspar matrix. Field Collected: Tom Mortimer - 2006 Catalog No.: 1871 Notes: Magnetite identification by strong magnetic attraction. Magnetite has not appeared on previous Richmond Soapstone Quarry species lists. |
Species: MAGNETITE in muscovite Locality: Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH Specimen Size: 2.5 mm field of view – magnetite? embedded in muscovite Field Collected: Dana Morong Catalog No.: A Dana Morong specimen Notes: Specimen is illuminated from the rear. An illustration of magnetite inclusions in muscovite from an American Mineralogist article by Frondel & Ashby, vol. 22 (1937) pg. 106 compares very favorably to this Parker Mtn. specimen. |
Species: MAGNETITE in Quartz Locality: Gale River, Franconia, NH Specimen Size: 1.4 cm specimen Field Collected: Joey Vaughan Catalog No.: 2023 Notes: The first EDS analysis suggested fayalite, the iron end member of the olivine group. Microscope examination of the specimen showed both dark glassy grains and clear glassy grains. Both the dark and clear grains were magnetic. A follow-up EDS analysis of the dark grains showed only Fe and O present, indicating magnetite. An analysis of a clear grain showed it to be just quartz. At highest magnification, the "clear" grains were observed to have tiny black inclusions, very likely magnetite. These magnetite inclusions gave the clear grains their magnetic attraction. The first analysis suggesting fayalite must have included an area of both magnetite and quartz. An acknowledgement to Peter Cristofono who noticed the tiny black inclusions in the clear grains. |
Species: MAGNETITE Locality: Ellacoya Locale, Gilford, NH Specimen Size: 0.8 mm magnetite crystal Field Collected: Bob Janules Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen Notes: |
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